
Who am I?

You might look on Google about my name and check my social media account and you wouldn't discover much about myself.
I like to read a lot. My first book I got it when I was in 1st grade, a 7 years old kid who didn't know how to read well yet. But I was curious about what it was in that book and I've learned quickly how to do read. And so it began the biggest adventure of my life. In every book I discovered new worlds, emotions, people that spoke to me.
Fast forward a few years. I've discovered manga and anime, and I become ( in a way ) addicted to them. I still like to read good books, but the artistic ways of manga captives me. It's a new way to read a good story.

It took me some time to start this blog, about my favorites manga and anime, maybe I will write about and some of my favorites books. I hope to enjoy, dear reader, what I will write and I hope we can talk about the manga that we enjoy the most.

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